Wednesday, November 29, 2017


Human history is entirely composed of wars; a fact that continues today though missions mostly serve peaceful purposes. This means the manpower to fight these wars or serve on these missions is necessary. There are very few countries that have small symbolic armies such as Switzerland and Japan; most countries have armies and recruit regularly. The period spent in the army is referred to as military service and is considered to be beneficial in numerous ways. Yet there are some undeniable drawbacks too. (Advantages)
The army can transform the lives of people by encouraging a healthy lifestyle and regular habits. Going to bed and rising at regular hours after a decent night’s sleep gives people the energy they need to start the day. The first thing recruits do next is physical training, followed by showers and a healthy breakfast. Calories and food value is carefully calibrated in the mess. A life style such as this will help the recruit shed pounds and develop physical strength, which will impact mental health. Any ailments are treated very seriously and dealt with by the medical corps. Such a regular lifestyle has untold benefits and impacts later life as well making it possible for people to both enjoy work and have fun while preserving their physical health. Yet nothing in this world is black and white and military service is no exception.
The major disadvantages of military service are either practical or psychological or both. Since a career is impossible without doing one’s military service a lot people feel they are being held back by being obliged to do military service. They want to get started on the career ladder and rise fast; they don’t want to take time out doing something they feel is pointless. Plus the very macho atmosphere of the barracks doesn’t suit everyone: some are sensitive, lack confidence, cannot stand up for themselves and buckle under the pressure. People with issues do suffer in the army and this is true but in most countries the period is limited and help is available.
In conclusion, armies will exist so long as conflict or peace keeping missions exist.  Although some benefit from their experience in the army others do suffer yet overall the institution works to the benefit of society. The changing role of the army with deployment in peace keeping or humanitarian missions should help deal with ethical concerns some people have.

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