Monday, December 4, 2017


      Today’s world is divided into developing,developed and underdeveloped countries. Underdeveloped countries try to struggle with various issues such as poverty, hunger, wars etc.  They don’t have enough economic potential to solve these issues. Because of this, a lot of governments and international organizations provide  financial support. This international aid has a lot of advantages as well as disadvantages.
         First of all, there are a lot of advantages of aid to underdeveloped countries. This aid helps receiving countries to develop their economy. If they make investments, they can improve their countries’ position in the world. In addition,epidemics are one of the most important issues for underdeveloped countries. However, medical aid such as medicines and medical equipment can help to improve health and can also save people’s lives. Indeed, one of the most important reasons for epidemics is hunger. Because of this, developed countries provide agricultural aid. That can help increase food production, so quality food becomes available. In addition, another important issue is disasters. Aid can help rebuild livelihoods and housing after disasters. In short, aid can be invaluable.
          However, international aid also has disadvantages.Donor countries may be selfish. For example they donate to countries for their bountiful natural resources. They want to exploit them. They may harm their environment, destroy their local culture and much more . Moreover, receiving countries can misuse international aid. Money  is provided so as the country can deal with intractable problems. However, they may spend the money to fund illegal activities. On the other hand, sometimes, the receiving countries spend the money for serious problems but they don’t try to improve their economies or industries. Therefore, they always want more donations so these countries cannot develop. In addition, sometimes aid is not a gift, but a loan, and poor countries may struggle to repay. To summarize, there are downsides of international aid.

          To sum up, there are numerous advantages as well as numerous disadvantages of international aid. International aid can help a lot of people and improve a lot of countries’ situation. However, International aid may be abused by both donor countries and receiving countries. If all people were fair and compassionate, international aid would have only advantages.

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