Thursday, December 21, 2017

EUGENICS (This is a 70)

Although eugenics stands out as one of the most important genetic sciences, the majority of people do not pay attention to this science because they do not know the meaning of the term eugenics. Eugenics can be defined as a practice which aims to improve or impair the racial qualities of humans either physically or mentally. Therefore, this issue can be considered from different angles. There are positive aspects of eugenics while there are negative aspects as well.

First of all, eugenics provides considerable advantages in terms of genetic diseases and for procreation. Firstly, eugenics may prevent genetic diseases such as Down syndrome, hemophilia, cystic fibrosis and the like. For example, prenatal diagnosis, which provides people with a lot of information about their unborn child, is one of the applications of eugenics. Secondly, women who are infertile or do not have a partner can have children thanks to eugenics because this science enables a single woman to become pregnant.

Although there are plenty of advantages of eugenics, there are negative sides as well. Eugenics has been used to abuse humans’ fundamental rights and to remove certain ethnic groups .For instances, the fact that Hitler tried to remove the Jewish communities by means of eugenics can be regarded as one of the most important negative influences of eugenics. Another major drawback of eugenics is that it decreases the genetic diversity of the species .People cannot create unwanted traits. Therefore, eugenics has a negative impact on genetic diversity .Finally,  eugenics causes people to develop the wrong kinds of beliefs. To illustrate, people think that it is very easy to create things which are not absent in the world thanks to eugenics. This causes people to try to be a God.

As a result, there are people who think that eugenics has disadvantages in terms of the abuse of humans’ basic rights, the decrease in genetic diversity and the emergence/ development of the wrong sorts of beliefs in contrast to people who believe that it is beneficial with regards to the prevention of genetic diseases and women wishing to become pregnant. It is my contention that, the disadvantages of eugenics outweigh the advantages of it.

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