Sunday, December 10, 2017


Eating is one of the most vital and basic needs of people. Food gives us the necessary energy to survive. We build up our muscles and get strong thanks to the food we eat, so what we consume during a day is very important. Factory farming presents us with several varieties of daily food such as milk, eggs, and beef. Factory farming produces some of the food we need systematically. At first glance, it seems very profitable and harmless, but actually, its dangers and the harm it does are more serious than its positive side. That is to say, factory farming is neither safe nor suitable.

Proponents of factory farming argue that it is inexpensive and also a very lucrative business. Food requirements of people can be more easily provided with the use of factory farms because there is an appropriate and rapid system, yet it is risky because of the occurence of animal cruelty. On many factory farms, animals encounter  terrible violence. Additionally, their suffering starts in the beginning. For example, piglets are castrated and workers cut their tails off in a ruthless way. After they become mature, pigs are packed into incredibly small areas. They wait for the time to go to slaughter without moving but the suffering continues during slaughter because the procedure  sometimes takes place while they are conscious. Factory farming, therefore, entails untold cruelty and is completely inhuman.

On the other hand, people in favor of factory farms also maintain that factory farming is less dependent on human labor and allows new job opportunities. However, the farming system only considers the profits not the health of people. The decrease in the cost of food is very helpful for every consumer but  the production process is dangerous for human health. It can cause infections and possible diseases because there is no real hygiene on most factory farms. Factory farms use more modern technology compared to many farmers of course, but along with this, the environment is stuffy and unhealthy. There is also the fact that workers have to witness the cruelty inflicted on animals on a daily basis . Factory farms are far from being the ideal workplace.

To sum up, we cannot deny the fact that the technique has several benefits; however, it also has serious and deeply distressing  consequences. The unhealthy and risky products may easily affect human health. Moreover, factory farming is very cruel for factory animals. Plenty of animals die due to stress, disease, and even heart attacks. Therefore, we should refuse the system for both our health and that of the animals until a genuine and ethical factory farm is established.

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