Friday, December 1, 2017


As the earth is continuing to move, technology is expanding its scope also. In fact, we live in a world of choice and  each moment, we are presented with the opportunity to choose from an array of options. Things that have already been created need to be introduced to people so that they will be able to make proper decisions as to  what they want. Thanks to innumerable means of mass communication including TVs, billboards or newspapers, people can reach the information that expresses and shows others’ ideas without any restriction. Of course, understanding those advertisements’ advantages and drawbacks is crucial for forming one’s own point of view.
As for new job opportunities, advertising is a key part of modern business. In fact, advertising is a creative industry that employs numerous people who want to share their own opinions and points of view with other people coming from every corner of the world. With regard to developed companies, they have a great opportunity to tell their customers about and even persuade them to  purchase the products by glamorizing them. In the view of clients, advertising can help people to be informed  about the options  that they have. Imagine the world without advertising, we would have fewer  options and we would be  unaware of how to  meet our basic needs and demands and there would be higher unemployment. It goes without saying that advertising is a form of art people enjoy watching even if they don’t want to purchase.
While it is clear advertisements bring obvious benefits to the countries, it is also true to say they may have  downsides as well. Almost everyone is  impacted by the fascination of the ads that are publicized for  the purpose of manipulating people to buy a product that will make those people happier. Yet, most  advertisers aim to make people focus on a brand image so that they will have an inclination to tend towards those products whenever they see them. Using glamorous and successful people to advertise their products assists the most famous brands to encourage  people to imitate them. In the exact sense of the word, people now live in a consumer culture in which  all of us are persuaded to  follow the latest trends. In fact, we are encouraged to associate certain brands with a higher status. Unfortunately, advertisers often set their sights on children, on account of the fact that children have more of a tendency to be influenced by advertisements. As a typical example, when children see a cartoon character or a star marketing a low  quality product, they put pressure on parents to buy them those things.

In a nutshell, the question of whether or not advertising is integral to people’s lives lies more in the hands of consumers. Undoubtedly, a big company can introduce its products and their qualities to people and most people can form their ideas about shopping however they need. On the other hand, some people, especially children, may tend to be impressed by some advertisements. This is most likely due to the fact that they are open to outside influences. Of course, while  directing one’s choices properly and persuading  consumers  to  prefer certain products; advertisers should use fair means.

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