Monday, December 11, 2017


People work hard all day at the office, in the fields or in schools. They treat patients, carry on their business, teach or grow crops. At the end of the day, they are tired and need to rest. This period of rest is occupied by sleep. While sleeping, the body can recoup and recover from the problems of the day. However, not everyone can sleep whenever they want to. They are called insomniacs and the problem they suffer from is called insomnia. Fortunately, insomnia is a problem that can be tackled and this can be done by addressing various environmental problems and dealing with personal habits.

The first category of reasons for the inability to sleep stem from problems in the bedroom and they can be addressed easily. First of all, the mattress and the pillow need to be comfortable. Some people prefer hard surfaces, others like to sink into a bed. They should choose their mattresses accordingly. The same goes for pillows: some people may like feather pillows, others may like organic pillows. For example, customers are asked in hotels what kind of pillow they would like. Second of all, the temperature of the bedroom, the degree of noise and light should be suitable. An ideal bedroom should be neither too hot nor too cold and the air should be fresh. Thus, a window could be left open. The degree of light and noise should be appropriate too. Some people sleep with a night light ; others sleep in a darkened room with heavy drapes. Some people don’t mind noise so long as it is regular , others want absolute silence. Whatever the case, the atmosphere should be suited to the individual. As a result, solving the problem of insomnia could be as simple as dealing with certain practical problems.

The second category of reasons concerns the individual. These may be stress, anxiety, the tendency to brood , unhealthy eating habits and the like. Worry is an enemy of sleep and if the brain goes into overdrive in bed, one becomes wide awake in minutes. The solution is to slow the brain down . This can be done by developing the habit of reading, or watching television before bed. Such a habit has an additional benefit: it broadens one’s horizons. The second issue concerns the last meal or drink. Rich food which is hard to digest will keep one awake. The same goes for caffeine: tea or coffee before bed is likely to keep one awake. The solution is having the evening meal early and avoiding caffeinated beverages.  For example, a glass of hot milk before bed can sooth one. In short, both anxiety and nighttime habits are issues that can be dealt with.

In conclusion, insomnia is a problem that afflicts many people in the world but one should not just give up and try and live with the problem. There are a host of very straightforward measures that can be taken to provide a good night’s sleep and all they require is a little forward thinking and brief visit to the shops.

1 comment:

  1. Stress is also one of the reason for insomnia. If you want to get deep sleep at night then you can try herbal medicine for sleeplessness.
