Tuesday, February 27, 2018


Today, the most important matter in hand for Istanbul is urban transformation. Some say that it is necessary to develop \improve  our city in terms of housing, transportation, and facilities; in return, others say that it will bring us noise pollution and deforestation. There are both negative and positive aspects of urban transformation.
            First of all, there are many advantages of transformation like providing better housing. The increasing population obliges us to have new settlements. After urban transformation, we will be able to use the land efficiently. Therefore, housing  will no longer  be a problem. Another advantage is better facilities. Using the city’ lands efficiently can  give us the ability to adjust factories’ locations. Citizens in Istanbul complain about factories (which are)  located in the city. By means of urban transformation, the problem can  be solved. The last advantage of urban transformation that should be mentioned is reducing  traffic (the reduction of traffic congestion) congestion. Traffic congestion is a problem for all metropolis but for Istanbul, it is a nightmare, also. The solution is simple. After urban transformation, not only housing or facilities but also traffic jams will be fixed (will have been dealt with )  .
            However, there are also some disadvantages. First of all, all legislation to transform the city has to be applied sparingly. Otherwise, many sources such as money, time, and labor will be wasted. We can  mention noise pollution as a disadvantage of urban transformation because Istanbul is a big and complex city. It will  take at least 10 years to modernize  the whole  city. However, all this will cause noise pollution. Another example of the disadvantages is deforestation. All these developments in the  city will create job opportunities. So, people will  want to move there. This circumstance will  cause a catastrophe because, people will  use forests to expand the city, which means  deforestation.

            As we see, there are many advantages and disadvantages of urban transformation in a city like Istanbul. The advantages outweigh the drawbacks. So, we need to transform the city, while protecting nature.

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