Wednesday, May 23, 2018


Although computers and the Internet have made our lives easier in many ways, actually, they both have bad sides. This is because people also use these technologies to take advantage of others. For instance, an increasing number of domestic and international criminal activities are now using the Internet. Therefore, computers and other electronic devices can be tools used to commit  crimes or are targeted by criminals. We call this cybercrime and the real definition of cybercrime is that it is the commission of illegal acts through the use of a computers or against computer systems. However, there is more than one way to describe cybercrime.
First of all, cybercrime can involve identity theft which affects the personal life of the victim on a massive scale. Cybercriminals can do this by entering your personal information and login information such as user names and passwords, phone numbers, addresses creditcard numbers, bank account and other information that criminals can use. As a result, they can steal billions of dollars or important data in the twinkle of an eye.
Secondly, you might think that the only form of cybercrime you have to worry about is hackers stealing your financial information but unfortunately, there are far more concerns than just basic financial ones. Cybercrime can also take the form of cyberstalking, harassment, bullying and even child sexual exploitation and is a security breach before anything else . Moreover, it also includes nonmonetary offenses like creating and distributing viruses to other computers. Thus, hackers can easily access data with the intention of committing offenses.
In conclusion, nowadays cybercrime is increasing day by day in our world and it is impacting our lives. It can take many forms from stealing our information to cyberstalking. Big software providers and security agencies are in a contiual battle to best each other. However individuals should also take logical precautions by downloading the patches that security firms devise, having complicated passwords of more that 14 digits and installing effective firewalls.
                                                                      NİHAL TEKİN

1 comment:

  1. Abuse in social media and cyberbulling are also a big problem nowadays. I currently work at cyberbullying research paper about reasons and causes of these phenomena.
