Friday, December 1, 2017


Our emotions have a great impact on our attitudes toward other people. When others say something funny, we laugh; on the contrary/in contrast, when someone criticizes us, we easily get angry due to fact that our hormone level changes according to environmental factors like this situation. People also face a lot of challenges, but these problems are really natural because our entire life is a compound of these problems. Sometimes, however, we get really angry because of these problems. Unfortunately, our anger is detrimental to both our physical and psychological health. For this reason, we should manage our anger by deep breathing, relaxing, or reframing the problem.
    The first approach to get rid of anger is taking deep breaths. Some people might think it is a useless technique, yet they think wrongly. Namely, when we take a deep breath at regular periods, our body acquires more oxygen. Our brain consumes a lot of oxygen while thinking; more oxygen means thinking more rationally. In this way, you reduce the level of anger due to rational thought.
    Secondly, you should relax if you want to take your anger under  control. Relaxation, decreases  hormone levels such as adrenaline, dopamine. A decrease in the hormone level causes a decrease in the level of anger. Both taking deep breaths and relaxation calm down the amygdale, which is a small primitive, part of the brain and manages our feelings. Relaxation is a really powerful way to manage anger.
     Thirdly, reframing the problem is also a good technique. Sometimes we cannot completely understand each other or interpret others’ comments wrongly. These disconnections in communication lead to misunderstandings. Misunderstandings cause anger which varies from mild irritation to extreme rage. People, therefore, should reevaluate their comments and reframe the conversation. If individuals reframe the problem, the problem can be easily solved or the conversation can get smooth without the need to get angry.
   To conclude, a lot of factors such as emotional conditions, difficulties in our life, and hormone levels might cause anger. It is natural to some extent, but too much anger harms us. In order to figure out the anger problems, we should take a deep breath, relax, or reframe the conversation. When people apply these solutions they can manage their anger.

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