Thursday, December 21, 2017


  This 271 words and a typical 60

 Intelligence is the most valuable thing that humans have. This thing separates us from animals.  We can think, consider and imagine through  intelligence, and our intelligence is developing day by day. People learn new data and how to combine all the information available in order to produce new data. So our people are  getting smarter thanks to this thinking process.

First of all, humans are interested in complicated problems now because the basic problems have been solved. People who lived in the past solved the basic issues which affect humankind. Nowadays, people are trying to solve more complex problems. People utilize their minds more due to the nature of the problems that they come face to face with.  Intelligence has increased in response to this challenge.

Secondly, education is more common. In the past, a lot of people couldn't read or write. However, nowadays, most  people can read and write and are quite well educated. In addition, people take many lessons and learn what's going on in the world. So, people nowadays know more things and think better than older people. Practice makes perfect so people are becoming more intelligent.

However, some people argue that technology is making us dumber. The reason for this is that people spend their time on social media and they lose their capacity to think. However, the outcomes of IQ tests contradict this opinion. IQ levels have been increasing day by day. So, people certainly are not getting dumber.

To sum up, the outcomes of IQ tests prove that people are smarter now. We are dealing with more complicated problems and this is influencing our intelligence. In this way, humankind has been developing its brain power / cognitive skills.

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