Tuesday, December 5, 2017


The family has always been the backbone of society and the smallest social unit. So far, families have been free to plan their lives and organize their daily activities as they wish. Naturally, there are norms and traditions which exert a certain amount of control but it is doubtful whether this is enough as people continue to breed like rabbits.  This short sighted approach is threatening the future well-being of society and it has become obvious that asking people nicely not to have so many children doesn’t work. This being the case, the government should put its foot down and put a stop to the dangerous habit .
First of all, people need to consider what they are letting the society into: they are bringing all these children into the world who need to be educated, be given healthcare and provided with jobs. The state is not God and it doesn’t have endless resources. Funds are limited, the number of teachers is finite and training new ones or indeed persuading people to teach is tough and takes time. The same goes for the medical profession: medical school is ten years on average. It is impossible not to sympathize with a government who wants to stop the flow. It doesn’t require a genius to predict that there will be no end of problems if the youth are allowed to roam the streets with nothing to do.
Second of all, it is obvious that all these idle young people with no gainful employment will eventually turn to more unsavory occupations. Such people provide a fertile seed bed for terrorist organizations who actively recruit them. The disenfranchised Muslim youth of Belgium who have not been integrated into the society are joining the organization in droves. The same is true in Eastern Anatolia where young people with no prospects join terrorist organizations who promise them money, a family and respect. By giving families free rein and allowing them to fill their houses with children we are endangering the future of society as these children will grow up to become vulnerable youths who will turn on the hand that fed them.
In spite of the obvious dangers, some naïve human rights organizations still claim that people should be free to have as many children as they like but there are limits to freedom in any society. An individual’s freedom stops where another person’s freedom begins. There is no denying that the nine children one family has poses a threat to others. This being the case, families need to put the good of society above their own selfish desires. There is no excuse for the lack of consideration shown by many families who keep reproducing.
To sum up, the resources of our home planet and the country we live in are finite and there are just so many children it can logically support. Freedom is a luxury in the current environment and one we cannot afford. Thus, states should decide how best to regulate family size.

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