Tuesday, December 5, 2017


      After creating the universe and the planet we call home, God created man in his own image. The home he created for mankind was rich in beauty and all that one could desire yet the first thing man did was to start to try and destroy it. Not only that, humans proved that there was no way they could get along together and live in peace and harmony. One look at the history of man will show that their past consists mainly of conflict and war. It was claimed that development would bring better understanding and with it a more constructive approach to preserving our planet and maintaining peaceful relations but such has not been the case. The greater the technological development, the greater has been the desire to do irreparable damage to everything around them. This being the case, it is time to admit that “project mankind” hasn’t worked and salvage what can be saved. Nature can only repair the damage if mankind is no longer on the scene.
     Mankind has wreaked havoc on nature. Forests have all but disappeared and if things continue as they are, the future generations will only see trees, flowers and all forms of plant in museums. The degree of stupidity and lack of foresight man has shown is obvious: they are destroying the lungs of the world and by doing so, ensuring that life on earth will end. The increase of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere as a result of the destruction of trees is creating the greenhouse effect, which means the world is getting hotter. The warning bells have been ringing for decades. If man wants it hot, why not give him what he wants and confine him to hell for the sin of destroying creation?
     The animals on earth have also suffered the effects of the selfishness and thoughtlessness of man. Hundreds of species of land and sea creatures are now extinct and there are others who will be soon. Man is guaranteeing that no animal is left on the planet by destroying habitats: the oceans are polluted and full of rubbish and plastic. It is the latter which mankind is feeding sea creatures: many turtles, sea birds, whales, dolphins and the like consume vast quantities of plastic mistaking it for jelly fish or plankton. As a result they feel full but are in fact starving. A creature that tortures and slowly kills other creatures it shares its home with deserves the same treatment: it would be a good idea to force feed mankind plastic. The land animals fare no better: trapping, hunting and poaching are whipping out species by the tens of thousands. Man’s innate selfishness coupled with intelligence allows him to do untold damage to this beautiful planet and the life on it. Hand on heart; does he deserve to continue existing?
    Mankind has not done a very good job of feathering his own nest either. The oxygen in the atmosphere has left its place to a toxic cocktail which he is forced to breathe. Hideous high rise apartments and skyscrapers have replaced trees and green fields; factories poison the air, the sea and water and transportation vehicles continue to add to the chemical cocktail. Man’s worst sin is his greed and his desire to have everything he wants rather like a spoilt child. What he wants most is energy and it is the desire to supply energy that is ruining his world. Man is now looking to space and is trying to find another planet to live on having destroyed his own. This is a very real threat to the whole of creation. Man is capable of undermining everything just like termites which can destroy the wooden foundations of a building. It is time to remove man from the scene if the universe is to be saved.

   To sum up, man is the greatest threat to creation and this has been obvious for a long time.  He can’t be allowed to continue destroying everything in his path. Man is like a six year old who acts without thinking and only wants to satisfy his present desires but this six year old has been given a free rein to do exactly what he wants. This is a mistake and should be remedied by destroying humanity so that the rest of creation can heal itself. 

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