Tuesday, December 5, 2017


Since the Internet gained  a remarkable place in our lives, a wide range of social websites which enable us to connect with other people and share events have been created. Because the use of social websites is becoming more and more frequent day by day, especially by young people, an important question comes to mind: has  social media made us less social? Some of people think that the internet doesn’t affect our social lives negatively but some of them think exactly the opposite . In my opinion, social media causes us to become gradually alienated from our family, friends and  society without noticing.

It is a fact that chatting with friends or sharing photos and videos in the virtual environment isn’t real communication because there is no face to face connection between people. Whatever is done takes place in an intangible atmosphere which we access through a phone or computer. Social media is so addictive that we can’t separate ourselves from this cyber world so it leads us to push our friends and families further away.

People have hundreds of so called friends on social media but plenty of them aren’t real ones or even acquaintances. Because these websites enable people to add anyone to  their accounts as a friend, people may add someone who they don’t know or are just familiar with but don’t actually want to meet.

Some people maintain that in our material world social media has a remarkable effect on our life. It provides us with enormous opportunities such as the opportunity to contact people far away easily and also accelerated local and global communication. On the other hand, there is one crucial fact they forget: Social media has  quite comprehensive facilities which lead most  people to waste their time with its useless features instead of benefiting from its conveniences. Therefore, the virtual world hinders us from living a real life.

In conclusion, social media has led us to be less social and waste our time by sticking to it. It has also made us avoid our families, friends and the society we actually live in. These facts should be recognized immediately by everyone to get over being addicted social media.

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