Monday, December 4, 2017


Since the earliest permanent settlements, states have existed in crowded human communities in order to make social life easier and regulate the relations among members. Over thousands of years, states have taken many forms ranging from monarchies  to democracies. Today, the concept of the state is more important than ever and they have very clear responsibility towards their citizens.
The foremost duty of a state is to create a secure atmosphere. Many countries are confronted with not only domestic but also external threats such as clashes, riots, terrorism and armed attacks of countries. A decent state has to prevent or supress such events by using  its intelligence agencies, diplomacy or armed force (police or the army). By doing so, the state is supposed to make all the citizens feel safe in their homes, offices or streets.
The other responsibility of a state is to provide justice. Nobody wants to live in a country where injustice is prevalent. People need a superior or power to ensure justice, to punish the guilty and restore order. In modern societies, the state is the only power that can fulfill these conditions including the police to catch the criminals, the detective to collect evidence, and the court to judge the people. Via its  agencies, the state ensures justices for all citizens and punishes those who deserve a punishment.

All in all, states can be regarded as a guarantee to ensure security and justice. Unless the state fulfills duties, the people may show unexpected reactions or even rise against the state.

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