Monday, December 4, 2017


         The longstanding approaches of the society associate women and men with two sides of the same coin. In other words, it has been seen that two genders complement each other. Then, when did men begin to dominate women rather than maintain harmony between genders? When did the inequality between genders come to light ? The answers are so easy; men never believed they were equal to women, which is against the basis of human rights. They always regard themselves as more powerful than women and superior to them. Therefore, they are inclined to use violence against women; which is a dreadful crime. Although this crime happens mostly behind closed doors, its effects on women, children and society are noticeable.

         First of all, women experiencing violence are affected physically and psychologically. According to global prevalence figures, 35% of women worldwide have been exposed to either intimate partner violence or non-partner sexual violence in their lifetime. As a result of such domestic violence, many women may not only get physically harmed but also become permanently disabled or even worse, they may be murdered. Besides physical effects, there are many psychological ones. Victims begin to hate themselves and feel desperate. They lose their perspective and cannot think straight. Women who suffered from any kind of violence are likely to suffer from depression, stress, fear and low self-esteem. In addition, they may reject professional help and attempt suicide.

         Secondly, violence is a crime which affects not only its victims but also witnesses. In this case, children are crucial witnesses because even if they experience violence when they are babies, the effects of violence are inevitable. However, children of both genders are influenced differently by violence. On the one hand, boys who witness their fathers' violence attempt to protect their mothers. They observe the consequences of this action and perceive it as  wrong and inhumane behavior but while they are growing up, they become transformedinto men who have an inclination to commit violence. Even if those boys criticized this behavior when they were young, women are depreciated in those boysviews. Thus, violence leaves a negative mark in their memories. On the other hand, girls who witnessed violence, get afraid of their fathers and all men. In their views, violence becomes normalized and when they are exposed to it in the future, they may think it was the destiny of my mother so I will do the same ;hence, they do not make a complaint.

Lastly, society, half of whose members are women, is influenced by violence both directly and indirectly. Since men in most countries do not lean towards the idea that women must be participants in business life, they restrict women to the home. In that way, they also reduce womens participation in social life. Besides the inequality in business life, women who are aware of the crime rate hesitate to go out and socialize with the opposite sex in order to protect themselves from abuse. With the same aim, parents are discouraged from providing their girls with an education. Instead of education, parents prefer early marriages; which is a different type of violation against women. As a result, uneducated womens participation in social life becomes virtually impossible and the societies become male-dominated.

         To cut a long story short, violence against women has impacts on women, children and eventually, the whole society. In my opinion, it is the most crucial moral issue which must be taken into consideration and to which effective solutions need to be found. Only if humanity prevents it, will the next generation have a chance to be raised in a healthier society.

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