Wednesday, October 31, 2018


Until recently, scientists believed that the brain would not change after puberty. However, with the use of new technologies in medicine, recent findings indicate that this is not true.It also shows that the brain  can change and evolve throughout  life.Acording to experts,the human brain can stretch and has just as much flexibility and adaptability as  plastic. This quality is named neuroplasticity by scientists.When a new habit, a new emotion, a new skill or a new thought is used, a new connection in the brain is formed.When they differ, a different connection is established in the brain. Thanks to neuroplasticity , reorganization of the brain takes place. However, can people use this for happiness?
To begin with,deciding to approach an issue more carefully is known to be  the primary way to rewire a person's brain for happiness.People generally forget how wonderful their lives really are.Many people are unaware that they have the freedom to choose whether they  want to focus on negative or positive experiences in their lives. Besides, many of them tend to have short-lived experiences of pleasure and extended experiences of pain. In order to be  happy , people can make conscious  decisions and they should transform the selection into a habit; this/, which/and this/ requires effort and repetition . Additionally, they must be aware that they can overcome every problem because they are the product of negativity bias and are changeable. Moreover, they can keep a gratitude journal. It is a powerful way to help balance their negativity bias, and write  their selection and what they do to feel happier. In short, they must constantly remind themselves of the positive experiences of happiness.
Furthermore, one of the best ways to avoid negativity is to prepare a list of important positive experiences. People should resort to this list the moment they feel negative thoughts starting to cloud their minds. To exemplify, people can focus on the love and the compassion of their peers. Another point is that , the brain is powerful and creative .The effect of  negativity bias  may be decreased by using visualization. For instance, each time people experience something negative   , they might visualize  drinking a hot a cup of tea on  Everest for example. Briefly, only making a conscious decision and applying it is enough to achieve happiness.
 To sum up, with  firm focus and enough repetition, the imagined behavior, way of thinking and skill  can be achieved by reorganizing the brain. As a result, the choice is in your brain. Use it or lose it.

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