Monday, December 4, 2017


According to the communal faith, women are considered to be better parents thanks to their maternal instincts. Both fathers and mothers are responsible for taking care of their children and there is no difference between them when it comes to bringing up a child. Most people are of the opinion that mothers generally get the better of fathers in terms of their deep sense of responsibility and possessiveness. On the other hand, regarding women’s other important commitments to the social and economic development of a country; we cannot force them to take charge of all the needs of a child by themselves.
A common criticism of supporters of this idea is that fathers perpetually lead a more hectic life than mothers. Pertaining to sharing responsibility, baby sitting  fits  women’s character.  After a long and tough pregnancy, the strong bond between the mother and the child is less likely to take the father in. The father usually represents the one who imposes strict measures at home and takes pecuniary liability. However, this moral imperative mothers have curtails their liberties. Indeed, restricting women’s right to be active outside the home is completely untenable. They are allowed to live their own life however they want. Equally important, we should not belittle a father’s ability to raise a child. Fathers  have equal capacity not only to inculcate good manners but also to instill courage and confidence in their children.
As for those who are in favor of this issue, notwithstanding the similarities between mothers and fathers, their understated differences might be crucial when taking into consideration the fact that women display more patience than men. No matter how bad the situation is, children have a natural inclination to confide in the mother or receive advice from her. Because the  affection from the mother is greater than that from the father, children find their mothers more believable. Yet, as it is the same in all cases, we must put both parents in the same equation. Of course, both are responsible for their children. Contrary to the common belief that men are totally incompetent with regard to caring for a baby, it is practically impossible for a child not to learn something from his  father. If a father and a mother decide to have a baby together, they have to dedicate themselves to him equally too.

All in all, it seems to me women and men are not diametrically opposed to each other concerning child rearing. Depending on the personality one has, anyone can take on the  uphill task of caring for a  child. Hence, both should be ready to take charge of this difficult process and not be unfair to the other parent.

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